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Analyzing DNSSEC problems for nl

Found 2 DNSKEY records for .
DS=20326/SHA-256 verifies DNSKEY=20326/SEP
Found 1 RRSIGs over DNSKEY RRset
RRSIG=20326 and DNSKEY=20326/SEP verifies the DNSKEY RRset
Found 1 DS records for nl in the . zone
DS=17153/SHA-256 has algorithm ECDSAP256SHA256
Found 1 RRSIGs over DS RRset
RRSIG=61050 and DNSKEY=61050 verifies the DS RRset
Found 2 DNSKEY records for nl
DS=17153/SHA-256 verifies DNSKEY=17153/SEP
Found 1 RRSIGs over DNSKEY RRset
RRSIG=17153 and DNSKEY=17153/SEP verifies the DNSKEY RRset is authoritative for nl
Found 1 RRSIGs over SOA RRset
RRSIG=8116 and DNSKEY=8116 verifies the SOA RRset
nl is authoritative for nl
Found 1 RRSIGs over SOA RRset
RRSIG=8116 and DNSKEY=8116 verifies the SOA RRset
nl is authoritative for nl
Found 1 RRSIGs over SOA RRset
RRSIG=8116 and DNSKEY=8116 verifies the SOA RRset

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